
"So Genius, what does it all mean?"


ultimately adv. สุดท้าย , มากสุด
terms n. เวลาที่กำหนด
intellect n สติปัญญา
awe n ความกลัว
brilliant adj. ฉลาดมาก
constantly adv. แน่วแน่ , ต่อเนื่อง
concrete adj. เป็นรูปธรรม
justification n. เหตุผลข้อเท็จจริง
genetics adj. เกี่ยวกับพันธุ์ศาสตร์
individuals n บุคคล
inscriptions n ข้อความที่จารึก
insights n การเข้าใจอย่างลึกซึ้ง
slicing v ออกเป็นแผ่นบาง ๆ
unifying v ทำให้สอดคล้องกัน

"So Genius, what does it all mean?"
Genius ultimately means someone of superior being in terms of intellect. As a society we often live in awe of these brilliant acheivements of others that we set apart from ourselves as being geniuses. We constantly look for concrete evidence of separation, of difference, of superiority, and above all justification to understand these great minds. We look to Einstein, Mozart, Aristotle, and Shakespeare for understanding, for answers, and for a clues into their worlds. We set them apart from society and put them under a fine microscope. However related genetics are, and however large their role, our intelligence and thus our achievements as individuals are not pre-determined at birth. We are still people of creativity and imagination, which are not products of inscriptions on DNA. As Wang (2000) says, "The insights into genius will likely not be found in finer slicing, but rather, like Einstein's theories, in some more unifying model." We should not look for a simple answer to explain something as complex as the human mind.